Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To be or not to be..

Currently I'm taking dancing lesson in RAYDIO Academy.. This is the 4th Class and I don't really know how to pop.. Yea, I'm taking popping lesson.. But I feel that Bboy is more suitable for me because its more like hardcore i would say.. And as popping, is more to soft-core, some soft and fine movement.. So now I'm confuse to go for Bboy or Popping because Bboy suits me more but I like Popping.. Hmm, what should I do? I guess time will tell me the answer..

Bboy Baek

Bboy Darkness

Bboy Physicx

Poppin Pete

Poppin John

Poppin Hyun Joon

For those who doesn't know what is Bboy and Poppin, have a quick look at these 2 videos..
Enjoy :D



Signed Off ( 11.52PM)

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